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  air doll  

In the movie Air Doll, a 2009 Japanese drama film directed by Hirokazu Koreeda, the producer induces the audience’s fear by the idea of uncanny. Uncanny refers to the strange and mysterious happenings in an unsettling way, describing the experience of cognitive dissonance where a person is both attracted and repulsed by an object. Freud (click to read more) describes it as sometimes arising when something becomes known that should have been concealed

In the movie, an inflatable doll that develops a consciousness and falls in love. The audience view the air doll as a kind of monster because she is an unnatural, terrifying agent that people are not familiar with. Audience is shocked and terrified by a doll who is identical to a real person with the ability to speak, feel, think and even to have sexual intercourse. Even the inflatable doll Nozomi looks exactly like the ordinary person that is long known to the audience, she is a monster because she deflates when she accidentally cuts herself. Unlike any human beings, she could recover from injuries by adhesive tape and get re-inflated again.​

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